Friday, May 29, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009 - Obama says North Korea nuclear test a "grave concern"

Oh, lets talk to them. It will make them feel all warm and fuzzy
that the United States is wanting to talk and then they will put away
those pesky nuclear missiles and stop testing them. But wait, we can't
talk to them by ourselves, cause that might hurt their feelings,
we will have to use people who already don't like us to talk with them.
That will do it...they will stop then cause we're smart, we're confident
and dog-gone-it people like us. - Obama says North Korea nuclear test a "grave concern"

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Get ready to subsidize all those irresponsible credit users

A long but good read. Get ready to subsidize all those irresponsible credit users


By David Lazarus
Special to The Morning Call

May 24 2009

Leave it to the banks to try to turn passage of credit card reform legislation Tuesday into bad news for many cardholders.

The complete article can be viewed at:,0,6216765.story

Visit at

Friday, May 8, 2009 > Local Coverage News from

Now if this doesn't piss you off I don't know what will.

Click here for the full article

Free cars for poor fuel road rage

Gov. Deval Patrick’s free wheels for welfare recipients program is revving up despite the stalled economy, as the keys to donated cars loaded with state-funded insurance, repairs and even AAA membership are handed out to get them to work. But the program - fueled by a funding boost despite...

Monday, May 4, 2009 - Nomination Tests Antilobbyist Policy - Nomination Tests Antilobbyist Policy* This article will be available to non-subscribers of the Online Journal for up to seven days after it is e-mailed.