Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

Look what I just found on myway.com!


This is simply unbelievable...the President of the United States does not have the authority to fire the CEO of any company. Period. The President should be disciplined for overreaching his authority.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Charity Revolt

Now here's an idea...why not give people in the lower tax brackets the ability to claim a 35% deduction instead of a 25% one...now that would accomplish the same thing O-vomit is trying to do and it would be FAIR too.

The Charity Revolt*

The Wall Street Journal's editorial board discusses why the non-profit world is up in arms over Obama's proposal to limit tax deductions for charitable giving.

Tax Me if You Can

Interesting...he didn't move to Canada...damn!

Tax Me if You Can*

Steve Moore reports on Alec Baldwin's latest cause.

Fwd: Democrats Bid Business Adieu

C-ya later... a preview to the demise of these companies that are taking money from the Great Obama.

Democrats Bid Business Adieu*

Fwd: WSJ.com - Opinion: Geithner Is Overreaching on Regulatory Power

Simple answer...Yes!

WSJ.com - Opinion: Geithner Is Overreaching on Regulatory Power*

Fwd: WSJ.com - Opinion: The Carbon Cap Dilemma

Watch out for that damn terrible CO2. What will the trees do for food when all the CO2 is gone?

WSJ.com - Opinion: The Carbon Cap Dilemma*

Fwd: WSJ.com - Opinion: National Health Preview

Nice....and scary!

WSJ.com - Opinion: National Health Preview*

Fwd: WSJ.com - Opinion: Obamanomics Isn't About Big Government

Big government is only the beginning.

WSJ.com - Opinion: Obamanomics Isn't About Big Government*

Wonder Land: The Earmark Shopping Channel?

Wonder Land: The Earmark Shopping Channel?*

Wonder Land Columnist Daniel Henninger appreciates the entertainment value of federal spending.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Is anyone getting the sense that Obama has no clue as to what is going on or how to fix hit. I think I have heard someone refer to him as the "Manchurian Candidate"...get ready. Check out this page:


Saturday, March 21, 2009

I saw this story at breitbart.com: Special Olympics bowler: I can beat the president!

Wow, Obama will get spanked by this guy.


Monday, March 16, 2009


Well here is one collective "yawn" for Obama. Check out this page:



Well, hmmm...lets see Obama playing defense. Should be good to watch. Check out this page:



Uh, oh. He is ****ing off the wrong people. Check out this page:


Yahoo! News Story - The American Legion Strongly Opposed to President's Plan to Charge Wounded Heroes for Treatment

Well, let's see here...I wonder if this is only the beginning of an effort to chip away at the military.

Why would he do this with all the other stuff he has to deal with!


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Peter Singer

Don't know where to start on how wrong this guys thinking is. Mr. Singer is a rabid animal rights activist that doesn't necessarily apply his own logic on human's to animals. While he would give legal rights to animals, he would not give those same rights to fetuses; even though he admits that they humans.


A washingtonpost.com article from: bisonprairie2002@gmail.com

This page was sent to you by: bisonprairie2002@gmail.com

Obama's No Socialist. I Should Know. - WE SHALL SEE

By Billy Wharton
Barack Obama is no soclialist. Take it from an actual card-carrying member of the party.


So the solution always has to be "Government is the answer"....I wonder how much of this money will never get to the ground cause of all the bureaucratic costs to support government employees salaries and inefficiencies.


Watch Romer on taxing health care

So the title of this article on Politico was "Obama against taxing health care"...but when you read and watch this it is clear they leave him options so that he can make an excuse to tax healthcare benefits once he has broken the federal treasury beyond repair. Leaving options for your leader isn't something new to Obama....but wasn't he elected to change the doublespeak. Instead I think we are getting something new...TripleSpeak.

TripleSpeak is when (1) you get someone else to do your dirty work, (2) you make a promise, and (3) you do what ever you want regardless if it is breaking your promise - you just keep moving forward and repeating yourself so that eventually everyone will forget what you said and believe what you are saying. Don't confuse them with the truth.

Romer on taxing health care

Roger: Obama is against taxing health care


So you have to sell a budget cause people immediately start to see that it isn't focused on solving problems but rather pushing an agenda. So much for bipartisanship Mr. President. A Chicago style political machine for all!



So if you don't buy into Obamamania then you instantly become a target...even if you are a Dem.



This is exactly why government does not need to nationalize private businesses...cause when they do they are arrogant enough to think they know how to run things.

Take one look at the federal government's ineptness at anything and you will see amazing ineptitude, waste, laziness, and in many cases failure.

And this is supposed to be the model we use and the people we want telling a company how to handle its business?



The Penguin speaks...Part II


The Obama Rosetta Stone

I had no idea that Rosetta Stone offered a program for "bureaucratese".

The Obama Rosetta Stone

WSJ.com - Opinion: Tax Me If You Can

Well it sounds like "I will move to another country if George W. Bush is elected" Baldwin is out making his old threats again. This though he sounds like Rush Limbaugh.

Someone please tell this Al Gore look alike that we would have preferred he kept his work back in 1999. What a megalomaniac!

WSJ.com - Opinion: Tax Me If You Can

WSJ.com - 'Enemy Combatant' Label Is Dropped for Detainees

Sticks and stones (and IEDs and car bombs) make break my bones but words will never hurt me. Please tell me this isn't headed to a question of what the definition of "is" is. Is!

WSJ.com - 'Enemy Combatant' Label Is Dropped for Detainees

WSJ.com - Cheney Says Obama Moves Raise Terrorism Risks

The Penguin speaks! All hail the Penguin!

WSJ.com - Cheney Says Obama Moves Raise Terrorism Risks

Saturday, March 14, 2009

WSJ.com - Opinion: Please Get Serious, Mr. President

Well James has another good opinion piece...and you can sign up for these for free at WSJ's website.

WSJ.com - Opinion: Please Get Serious, Mr. President

A washingtonpost.com article from: bisonprairie2002@gmail.com

Well, remember the old saying "those who can't do...teach". Well our new President is creating new slogan..."those that can't lead blame others".

Obama's New Tack: Blaming Bush

By Scott Wilson

In his inaugural address, President Obama proclaimed "an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics."

To view the entire article, go to http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/13/AR2009031303486.html?referrer=emailarticle

© 2002 - 2006 The Washington Post Company

A washingtonpost.com article from: bisonprairie2002@gmail.com

Obama's 'Science' Fiction
By Charles Krauthammer
Obama uses a phony argument to 'restore science to its rightful place.'

WSJ.com - Opinion: Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth

Interesting numbers on the new President.

WSJ.com - Opinion: Obama's Poll Numbers Are Falling to Earth

Welcome to the first post of what we expect to be a wonderful collection of Obamadata!

What in the Obama is going on here!

Well that is the question we have...so sit back and relax...check out the feeds we post and come to your own conclusions.

And we love to hear your comments as we collect and provide to you the major media's thoughts on our new President as he wanders through his new job.

Wolf First!