Sunday, March 15, 2009

Watch Romer on taxing health care

So the title of this article on Politico was "Obama against taxing health care"...but when you read and watch this it is clear they leave him options so that he can make an excuse to tax healthcare benefits once he has broken the federal treasury beyond repair. Leaving options for your leader isn't something new to Obama....but wasn't he elected to change the doublespeak. Instead I think we are getting something new...TripleSpeak.

TripleSpeak is when (1) you get someone else to do your dirty work, (2) you make a promise, and (3) you do what ever you want regardless if it is breaking your promise - you just keep moving forward and repeating yourself so that eventually everyone will forget what you said and believe what you are saying. Don't confuse them with the truth.

Romer on taxing health care

Roger: Obama is against taxing health care

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