Sunday, June 14, 2009

So now everything is updated.

Hey, thanks for checking out the new articles...and please take a moment and ask your friends to check out my blog. I am sure this is not the only Obamadata! aggregator out there...but it is a fun place to start.

Such as this dufus' article on Obama's Chicago style mob boss attempts at bipartisanship. Notice how this "blogdude" subtly mentions that a checks and balances system doesn't "help the various points of view amalgamate into clear and efficient government".

Now while this statement can be true, the underlying assumption is that the amalgamation into clear and efficient government must be devoid of compromise. Also, it is clear that this fellas is an Obama apologist since Obama is the one offering the "olive branch" and the mean ole Republicans just want a "zero sum game".

What In the Obama is Going On Here was created to offer a competing viewpoint to blogs like this one and to provide a lot of information that points out the President's philosophical follies in policy and the myriad of people who see him doing it. The next step is to get it stopped.

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